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Promocode Management

S.No. Promo code Name Number of % Start Date End Date Number of Redeemable Times Amount Action
1 IHearUBeta2024 5 01/07/2022 10/07/2022 60 100 SGD Delete
2 IHearUBeta2024 5 01/07/2022 10/07/2022 60 100 SGD Delete
3 IHearUBeta2024 5 01/07/2022 10/07/2022 60 100 SGD Delete
4 IHearUBeta2024 5 01/07/2022 10/07/2022 60 100 SGD Delete
5 IHearUBeta2024 5 01/07/2022 10/07/2022 60 100 SGD Delete

Redemption History

S.No. User Name Promo code Name Number of % Start Date End Date Number of Redeemable Times Booking Name Amount Action
1 Jennifer Garcia IHearUBeta2024 5 01/07/2022 10/07/2022 60 Stress 100 SGD Delete
2 Jennifer Garcia IHearUBeta2024 5 01/07/2022 10/07/2022 60 Stress 100 SGD Delete
3 Jennifer Garcia IHearUBeta2024 5 01/07/2022 10/07/2022 60 Worried ️ 100 SGD Delete
4 Jennifer Garcia IHearUBeta2024 5 01/07/2022 10/07/2022 60 Lonely 100 SGD Delete
5 Jennifer Garcia IHearUBeta2024 5 01/07/2022 10/07/2022 60 Angry 100 SGD Delete