Every Mother-Daughter
Pair Deserve a Beautiful

— Lacey Tezino, Founder Sign Up Today

Mission Statement

The mother-daughter relationship is one of the most important connections in a woman’s life. But it can also be one of the most difficult.

As mothers and daughters ourselves, we know there are times when this relationship needs healing, bonding and growth.

This is why we created Passport Journeys. Join Our Teletherapy Wishlists

Passport Journeys

a fully featured app with licensed teletherapy and monthly activities specific to the mother-daughter relationship to promote

Mother-Daughter Monthly Teletherapy Journey

Below are items included in your monthly subscription

  • Charged 1x per month to the card on file

  • Cancel anytime before your next billin date

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Live Video Sessions

Bi-weekly Therapy Sessions with your assigned licensed clinician through video meetings- 2 per month

Journal Promots

Intimate journal prompts curated to pull out deep throught to simulate growth and healing through writing - 1 assigned per month

Prescribed Activities

Throughtful activities in between video sessions to promote intentional bonding in (in person and virtual available) - 1 assigned per month


Clinician selected homework to sharpen a particular skill, based on your challenge areas - 1 assigned per month

Teletherapy Will Launch Fall Of 2022


Mother and daughter both fill out a personal questionnaire to help with therapist matching, preferences and goals


A relationship assistant will review the questionnaire and connect with the pair to begin the journey


A licensed clinician is assigned to the mother daughter journey based on best fit


Each therapy appointment is scheduled and conducted from the app calendar & video platform (no in person sessions)


An activity and journal prompt are assigned after each therapy appointment to the pair to track within the app

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