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The item has been shipped back

You can track the package using the track item below

Product Details

One Plus 9T, Brand New
Actual Price: 2,500 SAR
Amount Paid


Kindly, read the following carefully!

  • If the item is RETURNED, the seller has 24 Hrs for verifying.

  • If the returned item has nothing wrong it, the seller will click on release money to librate the money for you.

  • If the owner is NOT Satisfied, you will be REPORTED.

  • If you get REPORTED by the owner, your money wan't be released until you setteled up with the owner.

  • If the owner did NOT Do any of the action that we mentioned above, then, The reserved amount will be released to buyer's wallet in 24 Hour.

  • REMEMBER, your data in Absher is preserved in our system, and we will resort to it to ensure the rights of both parties.