S.No. | Period | Total Team Coaching Revenue |
Total Team Coaching Mindleague Commision |
Total Indivivual Coaching Revenue |
Total Individual Coaching Mindleague Commision |
Total Mindleague Commision |
Total Coaching Payouts |
1 | 3 Months | $100 | $100 | $100 | $100 | $100 | $500 |
S.No. | Date of Last Session |
Club | No of Sessions | Rate per Session |
Amount Payment Received from Club |
Date of Payment Receipt from club |
Mindleague commission % |
Pending Amount | Paid Amount | Paypal ID | Payment Date to coach |
Pay Pending Amount |
Action |
1 | 10/10/24 | XYZ | 2 | 1600 | $100 | 10/10/24 | 50% | 20$ | 80% | 0123 1230 123 | 10/8/24 | Pay | |
2 | 10/10/24 | ABC | 2 | 1600 | $100 | 10/10/24 | 50% | $0 | 80% | 0123 1230 123 | 10/8/24 |
S.No. | Date of Last Session |
Student | No of Sessions | Rate per Session |
Amount Payment Received from Club |
Date of Payment Receipt from Student |
Mindleague commission % |
Pending Amount | Paid Amount | Paypal ID | Payment Date to coach |
Pay Pending Amount |
Action |
1 | 10/10/24 | Michael Brown | 2 | 1600 | $100 | 10/10/24 | 50% | 20$ | 80% | 0123 1230 123 | 10/8/24 | Pay | |
2 | 10/10/24 | Michael Brown | 2 | 1600 | $100 | 10/10/24 | 50% | $0 | 80% | 0123 1230 123 | 10/8/24 |